Application Spotlight: Inspect Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Circuit Breakers
Detecting Gas Leaks with Optical Gas Imaging
When you suspect that there’s a gas leak in a SF6 breaker, it’s crucial to locate and fix it immediately to minimize downtime and revenue loss. This isn’t always easy to do using traditional gas-detection methods such as sniffers or soap bubbles. The longer a leak is left unrepaired, the more revenue lost, and the greater the carbon footprint on the environment.
By using a portable, non-contact optical gas imaging camera you can visualize SF6 and other gas emissions without the need to shut down operations. You can also quickly scan substations for leaks while maintaining a safe distance from high-voltage equipment. Catch leaks early, reducing revenue lost from breakdowns and repairs. Doing so will also help reduce emissions so your company can meet environmental regulations and avoid potential fines.